This digital product consists of an interactive book for problem-solving, which can be accessed via the platform https://coachkoob.net/en.
Three types of users can benefit from the book: solvers, who could be: students aged 11 to 16 years old (the target group of the present product), as well as adults who want to challenge and enhance their mathematical abilities; teachers, wanting to use a powerful tool for improving students' progress in learning; and parents/tutors wanting to follow their children's progress in problem-solving.
It is a coaching book that offers support so that readers could choose a personal track to the best learning mathematical journey. The solver advances gradually from very simple one-step problems to complex tasks. Along the way, insight problems are meant to raise curiosity, motivation, and desire to achieve higher levels in problem-solving strategies.
Thus, a student can go linearly, from problem to problem, or can enter the book page, select the problem he/she wants to solve and proceed with the solving. After giving the answer, the student receives an encouraging message if the answer is correct, or a comment on the mistake she/he did, if the answer is wrong.
The student can also opt to access:
The parent can enter the system based on the access code and can see the work done by his/her child in solving the problems of the book. The student’s results and statistics related to these results are opened by clicking on the user/child’s name,
Both the teacher and the parent can see:
In addition, using the platform, the teacher can make learning groups/classes. A teacher can have as many groups or virtual classes as she/he wants. After creating a Generic group, by using drag and drop, the student’s name will be added to any desired group.
Within the Message Center, a user can read and send messages to all people connected in some way to the test prep book.
Data sheet